Celebrity Talent - Actor

Kevin Dillon Biography

Kevin is best known for playing Johnny “Drama” Chase on the HBO comedy series “Entourage”, Bunny in the war film “Platoon”, and John Densmore in the musical biopic “The Doors”. He was nominated for three Primetime Emmy Awards and a Golden Globe Award for his performance on “Entourage”

Contact a Grand Productions Booking Agent on Kevin Dillon and other celebrity talent.

Book Kevin Dillon

Book Kevin Dillon o for Autograph Signing, Celebrity Appearances, Celebrity Judge, Celebrity Meet & Greet, Convention Appearances, Corporate Events, Nightclub Appearances, Personal Appearances, Product Endorsements, Speaking Engagements, Tradeshow Appearances and TV and Radio Commercials.

Grand Productions is a celebrity booking agency that maintains a business relationship with Kevin Dillon's agent, representation, business manager, management company, assistant, PR Firm and publicist.

We are a celebrity booking agency that secures contracted opportunities and hires Kevin Dillon for Autograph Signing, Celebrity Appearances, Celebrity Judge, Celebrity Meet & Greet, Convention Appearances, Corporate Events, Nightclub Appearances, Personal Appearances, Product Endorsements, Speaking Engagements, Tradeshow Appearances and TV and Radio Commercials.

Celebrity Booking Agency - Celebrity Talent -  Kevin Dillon